We want your input! Residents & downtown merchants invited to complete Wake Forest Downtown Plan Update survey, attend November 8 visioning workshops
The Town of Wake Forest is in the process of updating its Downtown Plan (formerly known as the Renaissance Plan for Downtown Wake Forest). The updated plan will provide recommendations and serve as a guide for future land use and development, transportation and parking, pedestrian mobility, redevelopment opportunities, and streetscape improvements throughout Downtown Wake Forest.
Community input is the cornerstone of the Wake Forest Downtown Plan. Area residents and downtown businesses are invited to attend one of two visioning workshops on Wednesday, Nov. 8, at Wake Forest Fire Station #1, 420 Elm Ave., to learn more and share their thoughts and opinions on such topics as development and redevelopment, vehicular connections, pedestrian and bicycle connections, streetscape and urban design, green space and gathering space, and placemaking.
Programmed (not drop-in) sessions will be offered from 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Since these are programmed and not drop-in sessions, attendees are encouraged to arrive a few minutes before the advertised start time.
In the meantime, residents and businesses are invited to visit https://bit.ly/WFDowntownPlan and complete the online survey. Available through Sunday, Nov. 12, the survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete. The results of this survey will be used in preparing the plan and for other community decision-making purposes.
Wake Forest residents are encouraged to check their mail for a postcard invitation to attend the November 8 visioning workshops and complete the online survey.
The updated Wake Forest Downtown Plan is scheduled for adoption in fall 2024. For more information and updates, including answers to frequently asked questions, visit https://bit.ly/WFDowntownPlan or email Assistant Planning Director Jennifer Currin at jcurrin@wakeforestnc.gov.