Family Gobblequest

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department is inviting local families to participate in the third annual Family Gobblequest on Saturday, Nov. 12, at 10 a.m. at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road.


Gobblequest is an opportunity for families to spend a morning together outdoors participating in an activity similar to a scavenger hunt. Turkey cutouts will be hidden throughout Joyner Park’s various trails and greenways. Families that “find” one of the turkey cutouts can redeem it for a special award (limit one per family).


The event is $5 per child, and space is limited to the first 25 families to register at (search “gobble”).


Gobblequest is most suitable for families with children ages 12 and under. For more information, visit or contact Special Events Specialist Suja Jacob at 919-435-9558 or

E. Carroll Joyner Park