2022 Bond Referendum


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Wake Forest voters approve four bond questions

On Tuesday, Nov. 8, Wake Forest voters approved all four questions on the referendum ballot for the Town of Wake Forest:

  • Question #1 concerning roadway and transportation improvements ($23.7 million) passed 14,940 to 4,617 (76% to 24%).

  • Question #2 regarding parks and recreation ($24.4 million) passed 13,783 to 5,808 (70% to 30%).

  • Question #3 concerning greenway improvements ($14.35 million) passed 13,226 to 6,327 (68% to 32%).

  • Question #4 regarding the downtown parking facility ($12.5 million) passed 10,873 to 8,586 (56% to 44%).


On November 8, Wake Forest residents will get the chance to vote on four bond referendum questions totaling $75 million. 

The referenda will ask voters whether they approve of the Town’s use of General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds to fund capital projects for Parks & Recreation, Roadway & Transportation, Greenway Improvements, and Parking Facilities.

Wake Forest has an exemplary credit rating as a AAA community, giving us the ability to secure the lowest interest rates through voter-approved general obligation (G.O.) bonds. This form of debt financing is the best and least expensive of tax-supported debt resulting in significant savings to the taxpayer over the repayment period.

The Town of Wake Forest has utilized voter-approved bonds in the past. The most recent referendum was approved by voters in 2014 for $25.1 million in Parks & Recreation projects, Street & Sidewalk improvements, and Greenway improvements. All the funded projects are either complete or underway.

Bond Referendum Categories

Click the icons below for information on each referendum category/question and specific projects.

Schedule a Speaker

If you would like a Town official or member of the Board of Commissioners to discuss the 2022 Bond Referendum at your next meeting or event, contact Communications & Public Affairs Director Bill Crabtree at 919-435-9421.

Frequently Asked Questions

A bond referendum is a voting process that gives voters the power to decide if a municipality should be authorized to raise funds through the issuance of general obligation bonds.

A general obligation (G.O.) bond is a form of borrowing in which a municipality pledges its full faith and credit (taxing power) to repay the debt with interest over a specified term.

G.O. bonds are the generally the least costly financing option available to the town for funding these projects.

2022 Bond Referendum
Assistant Town Manager/CFO