Falconhurst Drive Culvert Analysis

  1. 2024
  2. 2024-2026
  3. December 31, 2026


The principal culvert to be evaluated for this project is located on Falconhurst Drive, approximately 200 feet west of Hampton Chase Court.  A secondary culvert on Hampton Chase Court will also be evaluated in the analysis. Both culverts convey baseflow and stormwater runoff to Toms Branch, a FEMA-regulated stream. Another culvert further east of the primary culvert on Falconhurst Drive will be evaluated.   

The Town has documented heavy sediment deposition within the culverts, causing decreased flow capacity, erosion around wingwalls, and roadway overtopping during the 50-year storm event is predicted in hydraulic models. Potential sources contributing to the sediment issues include undersized culverts and sediment conveyance in Toms Creek and a tributary to Toms Creek. The project is needed to bring the level of service for the stormwater infrastructure in this area to an acceptable level of service to reduce potential roadway flooding and improve culvert and sediment transport capacity.


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American Rescue Plan Act

This project is supported by a grant from US Treasury as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) CoronavirusState and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds award totaling $14.5 million.


Falconhurst Drive Study Report
Falconhurst Drive Study Report

Project Updates

Falconhurst Drive Study Report
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Temporary efforts by the Town of Wake Forest's Public Works Department appear to be working.  This area will continue to be monitored.  

Project Leaders

Steve Meyer
CIP Manager



Timmons Group
Becky Ward, PE
NC Stormwater Manager