Horse Creek Watershed Study

  1. 2023
  2. 2023-2024
    Scope Projects
  3. 2024
  4. 2024-2026

Aerial MapOverview

As a member of the Upper Neuse Basin Association (UNRBA), it is in the best interest of the Town of Wake Forest (TOWF) to have a water quality model that can be utilized to support a watershed plan for Horse Creek. The model will be used in tracking compliance with the Falls Lake Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) requirements, and in specifically with the UNRBA’s Interim Alternative Implementation Approach (IAIA) to the NSW strategy. 

The model will be developed for the closest approximation of the Wake County portion of the Horse Creek watershed that is consistent with the subwatersheds utilized for the UNRBA’s Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) watershed model in order to make meaningful comparisons of projected pollutant loads.  The Watershed Treatment Model (WTM) will calculate annual watershed loads for nitrogen and phosphorus for existing conditions, including nutrient load reductions from existing structural and non-structural stormwater management practices (where pertinent data are available). 

By default, the model will also generate annual loads for fecal coliform bacteria and total suspended solids, should the Town ever seek to utilize that information.



Stakeholders within the Horse Creek Watershed are invited to complete a brief online survey(External link).

Take the Survey


Public Meeting - June 13, 2023 

The Wake Forest Engineering Department will host a public meeting on Tuesday, June 13, at 6 p.m. via Microsoft Teams to solicit input from residents concerning the Horse Creek Watershed Study.  

The session will include an informative presentation, followed by an opportunity where attendees will be able to ask questions and share suggestions (depending on the number of attendees). 

Town staff and representatives from KCI will be available to answer questions and gather public input.

View the Meeting

American Rescue Plan Act

This project is supported by a grant from US Treasury as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds award totaling $14.5 million.

Project Leaders

Steve Meyer
CIP Manager


KCI Associates of NC
Project Manager - Jason Doll