City of Raleigh North Main Improvements

  1. 2023
  2. 2024
  3. 2026


MOU with the City of Raleigh

Opportunity to address flooding and aging infrastructure when the City of Raleigh performs upgrades. 

The Town of Wake Forest is providing $1.35 million to the City of Raleigh for stormwater infrastructure improvements and upgrades along the North Main Street corridor. 

The paving of South Allen Road from Juniper Avenue to Quail Avenue will be included in this project.  

For more details, visit the project page on the City of Raleigh's official website.


ARPA logo

American Rescue Plan Act

This project is supported by a grant from US Treasury as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds award totaling $14.5 million.

Project Leaders

Steve Meyer
CIP Manager

Ed Stempien, PE
Construction Projects Administrator
City of Raleigh