Guide to Wake Forest
Have you ever needed the telephone number for a department in the Town of Wake Forest or an address for one of the Town’s parks or other facilities? Have you ever been curious about Wake Forest’s history, wanted information about area schools or wanted to know how to get involved in your community? Are you new to Wake Forest and looking for fun places to go and things to do in our area?
If you are a resident or business owner in Wake Forest and you answered yes to any of those questions, then the Town of Wake Forest has a special gift just for you.
In June 2019 every resident and business with a 27587 zip code, along with many residents and businesses in Wakefield, will be mailed a copy of the Official Guide to Wake Forest. This clever, all-in-one handbook provides useful information about all things Wake Forest, including an overview of the town’s history, descriptions of Town departments, a listing of annual community events and advertisements for several local businesses. The guide also contains useful contact numbers, as well as comprehensive information about the full array of Town programs and services, volunteer opportunities and local government. There are also sections devoted to area attractions, civic clubs, plus a whole lot more.
Not sure what number to call when the lights go out? It’s in there! Curious about where to get your driver’s license renewed or obtain a marriage license? That’s in there too! But these are just a few examples of what you’ll find inside the Official Guide to Wake Forest.
Presented in full color, the 116-page booklet is designed to educate and inform area residents – especially newcomers to Wake Forest – about all our community has to offer.
Wake Forest residents are encouraged to monitor their mail over the next week for their copy of the Official Guide to Wake Forest. Individuals and businesses may also obtain copies at no cost at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St.
Digital Format
The guide is also available in digital format on the Town’s website. The digital version includes links to all advertisers allowing seamless access for online viewers.
Choose the Cover
The cover of the guide was the runaway preference of area residents who voted in April’s “Choose the Cover Contest.” As part of the contest, two cover options for the booklet were presented that represent the charm and spirit of Wake Forest. The selected cover received well over 70 percent of the vote.

Guide to Wake Forest is on the Town of Wake Forest App
Android and iPhone users can enjoy the Guide to Wake Forest in digital format by downloading the Town of Wake Forest app and selecting the app's "Guide to Wake Forest" function.
IPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android users can download the town's free app by searching for "Town of Wake Forest" on iTunes, in the iPhone app store, or in Google Play or by scanning the appropriate QR code.