Dunn Creek Greenway Phase 3 construction begins December 16

Friday, December 13, 2024 - 4:32pm

Crowder Construction, a contractor working on behalf of the Town of Wake Forest, will begin construction on Phase 3 of the Dunn Creek Greenway on Monday, Dec. 16.

Funded by the 2022 Bond Referendum, Phase 3 will add 1.8 miles of greenway to the Dunn Creek network. Starting at the current end of the Dunn Creek Greenway north of Dr. Calvin Jones Highway/NC 98 Bypass, Phase 3 will connect with the existing greenway alignment to Ailey Young Park and the existing greenway network constructed in the Traditions neighborhood.

View Phase 3 Map

Scheduled for completion in late spring 2026, Phase 3 will require the greenway to cross over Wait Avenue and three streams. The footbridges that span these streams will be constructed with precast concrete boardwalk systems, known as Permatrak, to reduce slipping conditions when wet and aid long-term maintenance and structural integrity.

Construction activity will intermittently impact traffic along Wait Avenue throughout the project, but Wake Forest will notify the public through normal channels prior to any road and/or lane closures.

Construction on Dunn Creek Greenway Phase 4, also funded with the 2022 Bond Referendum, has not yet begun, but the project must be completed within the same period as Phase 3, which means it too will be completed by late spring 2026.

View Phase 4 Map

Construction drawings for Dunn Creek Greenway Phases 3 and 4 are provided on the Town's IDT Website. To view the construction drawings, create a login, then search Dunn Creek Greenway Phase 3 or 4.

Additional information, along with project updates, will also be posted on the Dunn Creek Greenway page of the Town website at https://bit.ly/WFDunnCreekGreenway.

Anyone experiencing problems accessing IDT or the Town website is encouraged to email Stormwater Utility Manager Nick Nolte at nnolte@wakeforestnc.gov.