Community Input Session - Wake County One Water Plan
Wake County is in the process of developing a countywide “One Water Plan” designed to integrate all water planning (water supply, wastewater treatment, stormwater and flood management, and groundwater protection) with County and municipal development and transportation planning. The plan’s aim is to equitably support all aspects of Wake County’s growing population and preserve its limited natural resources.
As part of this effort, Wake County is collaborating with local partners, including Wake Forest, to organize Community Input Sessions to solicit feedback on the One Water Plan. Collected input during these sessions will help create strategies for a strong and sustainable water future for everyone in Wake County.
On Tuesday, March 18, from noon-1 p.m. Wake County will host one such Community Input Session at the Northern Regional Center, 350 E. Holding Ave. Community members are invited to attend the meeting to learn more about the Wake One Water Plan and provide feedback on the draft One Water Strategies through online polling. Anyone planning to attend is urged to bring their smart phone to participate.
The March 18 session will also provide information about the public survey that will be open approximately April 1 to May 1, 2025, and the draft One Water Plan that will be out for comment in summer 2025.
For more information, including a One Water fact sheet and FAQs, visit