Express Residential Plan Review


Express Residential Plan Review is a real-time permit application review program for specific residential additions and renovations. It may also be used for accessory structures, such as decks, covered porches, sunrooms, sheds and garages.


The Express Residential Plan Review process brings together the town's plans examiner and the applicant to actively review projects and discuss, revise and make changes to drawings in person to ensure zoning and building code compliance.

How to Participate

The Wake Forest Inspections Department offers Express Residential Plan Review (ERPR) by appointment only on Thursday mornings between 8 a.m. and noon.

The contractor must be present during the review, which depending on the scope of the project could take an hour or more. Although the goal of ERPR is same-day permit issuance, the determining factor will be the severity of any non-compliant submittals.


Express Residential Plan Review
Senior Code Enforcement Officer