Volunteer Coaching

Basketball Coach talking with his team in a huddleVolunteer coaches are valuable assets to Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department programs. These individuals demonstrate a selfless concern for the community as evidenced by their willingness to give of their time to help area children.

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department offers youth athletic leagues (baseball, softball, t-ball, volleyball, and basketball) throughout the year. Basketball season runs from early December to mid-March, Volleyball runs mid-May to late July, and Spring/Summer baseball, softball, and t-ball seasons run from mid-March to late June. Fall baseball/softball leagues run from mid-August through mid-October.

We strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for Wake Forest youth. Therefore, before a potential coach is permitted to participate in any of our youth leagues, he/she is required to annually complete and submit a background check consent form.

For more information regarding coaching opportunities, contact Athletic Specialist Erica Shingleton at 919-435-9457 (youth basketball, volleyball, flag football) or Athletic Specialist Mikkel Patterson at 919-435-9557 (youth baseball/softball/t-ball).

Volunteer Coaching
Athletics & Aquatics Specialist
Athletics & Aquatics Specialist