Planning Department News
Planning accepts applications and payments through our Electronic Plan Review portal, IDT. See our checklists and applications page for checklists and applications.
Residential Fence permits are no longer required in most cases. Read the Frequently Asked Questions on Fence Permits to find out if you will need one.
Updated Planting List
Preliminary revisions to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Wake County are available to be viewed at the NC Floodplain Mapping Program. The posted preliminary flood hazard data reflect restudies for portion of various flooding sources in Wake County.
Development Services
The Development Services Division administers many of the current planning, zoning, and plan review functions that are part of the overall responsibilities of the planning department. Projects can involve new construction, repairs, replacements, renovations, remodeling, rezoning or clearing of land. General responsibilities include: addressing, annexations, code enforcement (Unified Development Ordinance & Municipal Code), flood damage prevention, site & subdivision plan review, architectural design review, zoning administration and sign permitting.
Long Range Planning
The Long Range Planning Division is responsible for the development, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of the long range plans of Wake Forest. General responsibilities include: small area and corridor planning, transportation, historic preservation, public art vision and the Greenways & Open Space program.
Planning Videos
Planning Department Staff
Name | Job Title | Phone Numbers | |
Jennifer Currin, AICP, CZO | Planning Director | |
Office 919-435-9517 |
Kari Grace, AICP, CZO | Projects & Programs Manager | |
Office 919-435-9511 |
Antione Jordan, CZO | Planner I - Long Range Planning | |
Office 919-435-9581 |
Emma Linn, CZO | Planner II - Long Range Planning | |
Office 919-435-9514 |
Michelle Michael, MHP, CZO | Senior Planner - Historic Preservation | |
Office 919-435-9516 |
Paige Regna | Planner I - Historic Preservation | |
Office 919-435-9510 Cell 919-561-2962 |
Patrick Reidy, AICP, CZO | Senior Planner - Development Services | |
Office 919-435-9515 |
Tim Richards, AICP, CZO | Senior Planner - Development Services | |
Office 919-435-9537 |
Kathryn Salisbury, CZO | Planning Technician | |
Office (919) 435-9518 |
Ari Schwartz | Planner I-Development Services | |
Office 919-435-9451 |
John Stauffer, CZO | Zoning Enforcement Officer | |
Office 919-435-9512 Cell 984-356-5134 |
Brad West, AICP, CZO | Long Range Planning Manager | |
Office 919 435-9542 |