Zoning Enforcement

Zoning Compliance is an extension of the Planning Department. Most code violations involve one or more of the areas shown under Common Code Violations related to the UDO and/or Municipal Code.

Reporting Code Violations

The Planning Department strives to correct all applicable violations within a timely and effective manner. All violations are promptly addressed in an effort to protect public safety and general welfare.

Anyone wishing to report a violation may do so via SeeClickFix.

Report a Problem - SeeClickFix

Common Code Violations

Typically, violations of the Trash and Debris Ordinance are complaints from neighbors who refer to the Town of Wake Forest Code of Ordinances 14-35 which prohibit various items of trash, garbage or debris from being outside on private property.

A Notice of Violation and Correction Order for this violation will have a picture of the trash and debris on the back of the paperwork.  To correct this violation, you must remove all trash and debris from the property or move it inside an enclosed structure.

The Town of Wake Forest Public Works department provides bulk pickup for items such as couches and furniture.  To see a full list, see Town of Wake Forest Bulk Pickup

To request a bulk pickup, please contact Public Works at 919-435-9570 or complete our online request form.

Request Bulk Waste Pickup

Violations that are not corrected by the specified time on the Notice of Violation and Correction Order will be given to a Town contractor and removed at the owner’s expense plus an administrative fee.  It is always easier and cheaper to remove the items through bulk waste pickup or by removing the items yourself.

Notice of Violation & Correction Order

Planning staff frequently conduct property inspections and respond to complaints in the Town of Wake Forest for violations of the Town’s Ordinances. 

Wake Forest has two ordinances: 1) Code of Ordinances which deals with nuisance-related violations, and 2) Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) which deals with development-related violations. 

This webpage is meant to assist you with correcting certain violations that are common.  For violations that are not listed above, please reach out to Ben Coleman for assistance.

Where do you find the violation? 

On the Notice of Violation and Correction order you received, there will be a section in the middle that will list the following: 

Chapter: Which Ordinance is in violation 

Type of Violation: The type of violation 

Corrective Action: How to correct the violation 

Once you determine the type of violation, please find the corresponding link below to learn how to correct the violation and avoid civil penalties. 

Unified Development Ordinance

The Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance is authorized by the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners and regulates land use for all properties located within the Corporate limits and the Extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).

Code of Ordinances

The Wake Forest Code of Ordinances is a collection of all permanent ordinances for the town. It regulates all properties within the town limits.  

The Planning Department strives to correct all applicable violations within a timely and effective manner. All violations are promptly addressed in an effort to protect public safety and general welfare.
Anyone wishing to report a violation may do so by utilizing SeeClickFix.

Zoning Enforcement Violations Dashboard

The Town of Wake Forest has unveiled a web-based dashboard that allows residents to view zoning enforcement violations by address. The platform also allows residents to track the type of violation, the current number of open and closed cases, and the Town’s response.

Zoning Enforcement Violations Dashboard

Zoning Enforcement
Zoning Enforcement Officer

Wake Forest Town Hall 
3rd Floor
301 S. Brooks St.
Wake Forest, NC 27587