South White Streetscape

South White StreetscapeConstruction Update
The South White Streetscape was completed in December 2012.

Thank you for your support and patience over the past eight months. The transformation of downtown has been amazing! We now have a destination location! Be sure to come check out the new Historic Downtown Wake Forest and support your local merchants.

For more information, contact the Engineering Department.

Project Overview
The South White Streetscape Project is part of The Renaissance Plan for the Heart of Wake Forest that was developed in 2003. The plan encourages revitalization and reinvestment in historic downtown, creating a more vibrant community.

Phase II and III of the Streetscape Project included sidewalk, waterline, utility, and storm drainage replacement from Elm Avenue to Spring Avenue. Phase I, which received funding from an NCDOT Enhancement Grant, required that the sidewalk be as historically accurate as possible and required grey pavers. A new salmon charcoal blend paver was placed in the main walking area and a tudor grey paver in the verge area between the tree grate and the curb for the new Phase 2/3. The salmon charcoal pavers where chosen to add color to the project (per public comment) and decrease the appearance of staining that was present on the existing grey pavers.

A focal point of the Streetscape Project is the Jones Avenue intersection. A raised table was added to the roadway to slow traffic and be a future spot for events. Safety bollards have been installed to protect pedestrians. Seat walls, landscaping, and gradual sweeping steps were also added near the Wake Forest Coffee Company where the buildings create a natural jog in the roadway. Upper and lower sidewalks are a pleasing addition to this area. The municipal parking lot is now tied into the Wait Ave extension parking area creating a smoother flow pattern. In addition, landscaping was added throughout the project and two decorative benches will be installed by the Public Arts Commission. All intersections have a decorative brick streetprint to make them more visible and tie the entire project together.



Engineering Department
(919) 435-9510

Kimley-Horn and Associates
Jason Pace, PE

JW Grand, Inc.

Dec. 7, 2012