The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program is mandated under the federal Clean Water Act. In North Carolina, the EPA has delegated MS4 Program oversight to the Department of Environmental Quality.  The Town of Wake Forest is a 2000 census designee. The US Environmental Protection Agency designated the Town for inclusion in the Phase II stormwater program because its municipal boundary intersects a US Census-defined Urbanized Area.  NPDES communities are required to follow the six minimum control measures (MCM’s): Public Education and Outreach; Public Participation/Involvement; Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination; Construction Site Runoff Control; Post Construction Runoff Control; and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.


Development Requirements

The Town of Wake Forest utilizes the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual for design criteria regarding Phase II stormwater regulations.

Reference the Town's Unified Development Ordinance Chapter 12 and Manual Specifications Standards & Design Chapter 2 for stormwater design requirements.

Please include all necessary forms for each Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) with the construction drawings submittal.  A checklist of the submittal requirements can be found here.


Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures

The NPDES Phase II requirements ensure that all SCMs have an associated Operations and Maintenance Agreement.  This agreement requires the SCMs to be inspected annually to make sure they are functioning properly to prevent flooding and keep our waterways clean.  The Town requires owners of SCMs to submit their annual inspection reports completed by a qualified inspector to the Stormwater Engineer, and should have a record for the past 5 years of inspection, maintenance, and repairs available for the Town.  

For more information concerning Wake Forest's Phase II stormwater program, contact Wake Forest's Stormwater Utility Manager, Nick Nolte at (919) 435-9449.