Holiday Schedule

Listed below are the holidays the Town of Wake Forest will observe throughout the year. On these holidays, the Wake Forest Town Hall and all other administrative offices will be closed. Police service will not be affected during any of these holidays, however, Wake Forest Bus Service and solid waste service schedules may be altered.
Stay Informed
Approximately one week prior to each holiday observance, the Town will prepare a press release and distribute an email to 'Holiday Operations' E-Notifier subscribers detailing any changes to its normal operating schedule. Each press release is also linked to the corresponding holiday below.
New Year's Day
Wednesday, Jan. 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, Jan. 20
Good Friday
Friday, April 18
Memorial Day
Monday, May 26
Independence Day
Friday, July 4
Labor Day
Monday, Sept. 1
Veterans Day
Tuesday, Nov. 11
Thursday & Friday, Nov. 27-28
Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 24-26
New Year's Day
Thursday, Jan. 1, 2026
Sign Up for E-Notifier
Approximately one week prior to each holiday observance, the Town will prepare a press release and distribute an email to 'Holiday Operations' E-Notifier subscribers detailing any changes to its normal operating schedule. Each press release is also linked to the corresponding holiday below.
Holiday Garbage & Recycling Collection
The Town of Wake Forest contracts with Republic Services for trash and recycling collection. Republic does not typically collect trash and recycling on the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Whenever one of these holidays falls on a weekday, Republic will run that day's trash and recycling collection route the next day. From that point forward, the week's collection schedule will operate one day later than normal and extend into Saturday. So, for example, if the holiday fell on a Friday, the Monday through Thursday routes would not be affected and Friday's route would be collected on Saturday.
Whenever one of these holidays falls on Saturday or Sunday, Republic MAY be closed the following Monday. When that happens, the collection schedule for the entire week MAY run one day later than normal and extend into Saturday.
To confirm the sanitation schedule, check this page for updates by clicking the link to the respective holiday or by contacting the Public Works Department at 919-435-9570.
Wake Forest Bus Service
Wake Forest-Raleigh Express: The Wake Forest-Raleigh Express does not operate on New Year's Day, MLK Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. For all bus route holiday schedules, visit or call 919-485-7433.
Wake Forest Loop: The Wake Forest Loop does not provide service on New Year's Day, MLK Jr. Day, Good Friday, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. To view all bus route holiday schedules, visit or call 919-485-7433.