Updated Town of Wake Forest app is here
The Town of Wake Forest (TOWF) app recently transitioned from BiznessApps to the BuildFire platform. The TOWF app updates automatically on most devices. In cases that it does not, users can download the new version by scanning the appropriate QR code provided below.
The updated app is similar to the previous version with many of the same features, including streamlined access to information about Friday Night on White and other popular Town events, as well as Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources, Town news and employment opportunities, SeeClickFix, the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, and more.
One prominent change is the appearance of the home screen which features a full color image of the popular "town clock" situated along South White Street in downtown Wake Forest (shown right).
Another change is the login requirement for users that wish to continue receiving time-sensitive texts/push notifications.
The Town of Wake Forest unveiled its free smartphone app in 2012 as a means of offering residents and visitors direct access to useful information about Wake Forest. Since then, thousands of Android and iPhone users have downloaded the app and enjoyed instant access to important information about Town programs, services, and events.
The official app of the Town of Wake Forest, North Carolina!
For iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android users!
Search for "Town of Wake Forest" on iTunes, in the iPhone app store, or in Google Play.
The app can also be downloaded by scanning the appropriate QR code below:
Among its many functions, the Wake Forest app allows iPhone, iPad, and Android users to:
Report non-emergency issues to the Town of Wake Forest through SeeClickFix. Use this function to contact the town for prompt action on street maintenance, lights, potholes and graffiti, using the app to send a photo and exact location of the problem.
Access important information about popular local events. IPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android users who have downloaded the town's app now enjoy instant access to events including Friday Night on White, Six Sundays in Spring and Meet in the Street - just to name a few.
- Access the Residents Guide to Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Pickup
We've added a "Downtown WF" function to our app. Use it as your official guide to downtown - all at your fingertips!
Access important information about Parks & Recreation Youth Athletics, including league schedules
Locate and learn about town parks and greenways
Pay Wake Forest Power bills online
Access Town news
Access the Town's Facebook page
Receive breaking news messages
Link to job listings
Access contact information for every Town department
App Aha's
You can access the "side menu" and a second page of app functions by clicking on the three lines along the top right corner of the home screen.
You can access push notifications from the navigation bar by clicking on the bell icon.