Home Energy Audits
Everyone wants to save money on their utility bill. Now Wake Forest Power helps you take that first step in knowing how to manage your energy costs by offering free Residential Energy Audits to qualifying electricity customers.
Wake Forest created the program to help you identify ways you can conserve energy at home. Upon request, the Town's Residential Energy Auditor will visit your residence and help uncover the most cost-effective ways to save energy and lower your energy costs.
A Town of Wake Forest Home Energy Audit identifies the home's energy wasters, such as:
Drafty windows
Insufficient insulation
Humidity problems
Inefficient appliances
Poor ventilation
Inefficient lighting
These energy wasters take away from the comfort of the home and can add up to several hundred dollars in wasted energy each year.
The residential energy audit includes:
Inspection of the home's attic, insulation, doors, windows, furnace, appliances and other key areas;
Analysis of how the resident can make their home more comfortable and maximize savings on their energy bill;
Recommendations for the most cost-effective, energy-saving improvements that will add to the home's long-term value.
A home energy audit usually takes about two hours and will be scheduled according to the order the request was received. You must be home at the time of your appointment. To sign up for an audit, call or contact Jeremy Vargo at 919-435-9573. Some restrictions apply.
Disclaimer: The Town of Wake Forest offers residential energy audits as a service to its electricity customers. Although home energy audits are designed to identify ways to save energy and money, the Town of Wake Forest does not guarantee its customers a lower electricity bill as a result of an audit.