Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Projects
Ailey Young Park Improvements
Phase: Design
Cost: $2.35 million
Description: Improvements will provide universal accessibility and increased capacity
Athletic Fields Lighting System Replacement/Installation
Phase: Complete
Cost: $1.279 million
Description: Replacement plan for lighting at athletic fields
Update: Project is complete
Heritage High School Pressbox/Bathrooms
Phase: Design
Cost: $40,000
Description: Install facilities near the upper level fields, currently utilizing port-a-john
Update: Heritage High School Booster Club will lead this project. Level 4 agreement amended to reflect the Town's contribution.
Holding Park Pool & Playground Renovation
Phase: Completed
Cost: $2.929 million
Description: Renovation of Holding Park Pool. Improved/More accessible playground with improved drainage system.
Installation of Irrigation & Sod at Flaherty Park Baseball/Softball Fields
Phase: Phase II project completed
Cost: $138,000
Description: Building sand-based grass infield; grading entire field; installation of hybrid sod on Field 2.
Joyner Park Phase 2
Phase: Completed
Cost: $11.1 million
Description: Master plan that includes a Joyner Park Community Center and other improvements to E. Carroll Joyner Park.
Spraygrounds/Water Features
Phase: Project Complete
Cost: $411,268
Description: New sprayground water features at Smith Creek, Flaherty Park and future center
Athletic Court Construction
Phase: Not started
Cost: $62,500
Description: Reconstruction of Tyler Run and Ailey Young basketball courts
Tyler Run will be reconstructed and the remaining funds will be use to resurface Heritage High School tennis courts.
Ailey Young will be addressed in the park improvments if funds are received from the PARTF Grant.