Picture 80 Acres

"Picture 80 Acres" is the name given to the Town's effort to solicit community input as to the best use of 80 acres of undeveloped land in the vicinity of Forestville Road and Foundation Drive for outdoor recreational activities.

Coordinated by the Recreation Advisory Board, the initiative is offering area residents a variety of opportunities, including five public meetings, to share their ideas concerning the future of this property.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not the Town's intention to disturb the property's existing charm and beauty but rather to achieve an appropriate balance between maintaining its current appeal and adding desired outdoor amenities.

Public Meetings

A series of public meetings have been scheduled throughout June 2018 to gain citizen input:

These interactive sessions will include a brief presentation, followed by an open forum discussion where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share suggestions.

Discussions at these meetings will cover a variety of topics centered on how to best achieve the appropriate balance between maintaining the area's natural charm and adding desired amenities. Information gathered during the sessions will help identify, develop and evaluate future versions of the property.

Share Your Opinions Online

Area residents are also invited to share their opinions online via Engage Wake Forest or Contact Us.

Staff Contact

For more information about Picture 80 Acres, contact Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Director Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561.