

Following a two-year hiatus due to COVID, Wake Forest’s popular Six Sundays in Spring concert series will return to E. Carroll Joyner on consecutive Sundays from April 24 through May 29. Sponsored by the Town of Wake Forest and ARTS Wake Forest, the performances get underway Sunday, April 24, at...Read more


The Town of Wake Forest will temporarily close the portion of West Oak Avenue from North Wingate Street to North Main Street on Friday, March 25, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The temporary closure is necessary to allow tree crews to prune tree limbs and branches to improve sight distances and roadway...Read more


Beginning today and continuing through mid-April, Town crews will repair the sidewalk along the southbound side of South Franklin Street from Elm Avenue to East Holding Avenue weekdays from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Pedestrians will be required to utilize the sidewalk on the northbound side of South...Read more
