Operation Bridge Exchange

The N.C. Department of Transportation has scheduled four bridge replacement projects in the Wake Forest area from January 2015 through October 2016. Those bridges are located along West Oak Avenue, Purnell Road, Forestville Road and Rogers Road.


Operation Bridge Exchange
The Town of Wake Forest has named the four bridge replacement projects "Operation Bridge Exchange." To help keep area drivers informed about these initiatives, the town has created a bridge replacement projects portal on its website. The OBE website is designed to connect area residents with comprehensive information about each of the four projects, including timelines, project maps and detours. It also includes an interactive map that shows the locations of each project and safety tips for commuters. By providing all of the information in one convenient location, the town aims to help reduce the impact of these projects on those who live in and travel through the affected areas.


OBE Timeline

LocationConstruction ScheduleEstimated # of DaysStatus

Purnell Road

Feb. 23 - June 22, 2015



Forestville Road

July 6 - Dec. 4, 2015



West Oak Avenue

Oct. 26, 2015 - April 18, 2016



Rogers Road

June 27, 2016 - Nov. 8, 2016



Please note: Dates are subject to change. Last updated April 20, 2016.

Driving through construction zones can be somewhat tricky, but motorist safety is our top concern. Motorists are reminded that weather and road conditions can change rapidly and should plan accordingly. When traveling through a construction area, drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians are asked to be patient, proceed with caution and obey flaggers at all times. Dates, times and work locations are subject to change due to inclement weather or last-minute changes in work schedules.


Operation Bridge Exchange App
Android and iPhone users can have a handy pocket guide to "Operation Bridge Exchange" in the palm of their hands by downloading the Town of Wake Forest app and using the app's "Operation Bridge Exchange" function. Designed to offer smartphone users instant access to important details about the Wake Forest area's four scheduled bridge replacement projects, the function includes the complete construction schedule, an interactive map, links to the scheduled detours, and more.

IPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android users can download the town's free app by searching for "Town of Wake Forest" on iTunes, in the iPhone app store, or in Google Play or by scanning the appropriate QR code.